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Do you want to get involved with helping to protect Largo Bay?

Friends of Largo Bay is a Subgroup of Largo Communities Together.

This group is led by the community of Largo Bay, and their top priority is to protect their coast. One of the first things they did was organize a Community Sea Day in 2022, to coincide with World Oceans Day. The event included a litter pick and a film screening featuring local filmmakers. The people in the area engage with the beach in many ways, from walking and sailing to birdwatching swimming, and even rockpooling. They have harnessed their love and enthusiasm for the beach to drive their efforts.

Early on, they joined Restoration Forth, a national seagrass project, and the Coastal Communities Network. These organisations connect them to other shoreline-related organisations across Scotland and offer much advice and support.

A community-led biodiversity monitoring project is starting, and they also conduct regular beach cleanups that are very well supported by farmers and landowners who provide machinery and practical help. They also hope to improve beach access for those with disabilities and have been looking into how they can achieve this. The group continues to work with existing organizations, such as The Fife Coast and Countryside Trust and the local primary school, and develops links across the community and with other Coastal Communities in Scotland. They have also participated in a national art project called The 100 Species, which aims to educate people about what's on their shores and in their oceans.

To get on their mailing list, fill out the form below. You can also join their Facebook group by searching for friends of Largo Bay. See you on Largo Bay!

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