Happy New Year From Largo Communities Together

Dear Friends and Neighbours,

Happy New Year to everyone!

I trust you all had a restful Christmas break. As we usher in this new year, I’m thrilled to bring you some community updates and invite you to join us in various upcoming activities.

Warm Welcome Spaces Are Back!

Firstly, our much-loved Warm Welcome Spaces return this week.

Join us tomorrow at 11:00 AM at the Simpson Institute in Upper Largo for a cosy gathering. Also, don’t miss Bingo on Wednesday at 11:30 AM at the Largo Library Community Hub. It’s a great way to catch up and have some fun! Huge thanks to Fife Council and Ewan Fraser for ongoing support !!

📣Exciting Community Action Plan Developments📣

We’re on the brink of unveiling our Community Action Plan, and it’s brimming with initiatives that you helped shape. Among the popular actions are community-led Skillshare workshops and our water improvement project, focusing on enhancing our local waterways and marine areas.

Share Your Skills in Our Skillshare Workshops✍️

Do you have a skill you’re passionate about? Whether it’s crafts, cooking, DIY, or anything else, we’d love for you to lead a workshop. Please email me, just hit reply, if you’re interested in sharing your talent with our community. We are planning on getting these going from next month !

Be Part of Our Heritage Trails Creation🛤️🛤️

We’re also developing community-designed heritage trails. If you’re keen on local history current stories or want to contribute to these trails, get in touch. Your input is invaluable in bringing these trails to life.

Join Our Cycling Pathway Project🚴‍♀️

If you’re enthusiastic about improving local cycling routes and all types of accessibility from walking to wheeling, we’d love your involvement in our cycling pathway project. Your ideas and efforts can help make our community more accessible and enjoyable for everyone.

Water Improvement Project – Seeking Your Insights💧💧

Our water improvement project is another critical initiative. We’re looking at ways to better manage and restore our rivers and marine areas. If you have insights, ideas, or want to be involved in this vital environmental effort, please reach out !

We Value Your Feedback  👥👥

Our Community Action Plan is dynamic and continually evolving, so your feedback is essential.

Watch out for the full prioritised plan, which we’ll start sharing from next week. Your thoughts and suggestions are always welcome.

And do check out the Local Place Plan on our website if you’ve not so far and come along to the Warm Welcome Spaces this week.

We are very excited about the collaborations and community progress we’ll achieve together this year.